Best Way To Pay Yourself As The Business Owner
bySteven A. Feinberg
May 05, 2018Determining how to pull money from your business is a critical step in a small business ownership. Whether you take a draw or a salary, makes little difference if you are a sole proprietor. A combination of salary and draw is typically how most small business start. When the business is doing well, the draw can be easy to utilize, but remember that the business will need cash flow when times are leaner so overdrawing on the business can
Read MoreNavigating The Treacherous Water Of Small Business
bySteven A. Feinberg
June 10, 2021If you own a small business, you have no doubt seen those ads promising quick and easy small business loans, usually for large dollar amounts. Should you really take out such a loan? Before you sign the loan agreement, there are a few key steps to protect yourself and your business. Do your homework. The old adage,’if its too good to be true, it probably is’ should be carefully adhered to. Take the time to read the fine print
Read MoreBaby Boomers Are Not Retiring And The Impact Small Business
bySteven A. Feinberg
October 10, 2018Determining how to pull money from your business is a critical step in a small business ownership. Whether you take a draw or a salary, makes little difference if you are a sole proprietor. A combination of salary and draw is typically how most small business start. When the business is doing well, the draw can be easy to utilize, but remember that the business will need cash flow when times are leaner so overdrawing on the business can
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Best way to pay yourself as the
Determining how to pull money from your business is a critical step in a small business ownership... Read more
Navigating the treacherous wa
Determining how to pull money from your business is a critical step in a small business ownership... Read more
Baby boomers are not retirin
Baby Boomers are delaying retirement and continuing to stay in the workforce. This trend in postponed... Read more